via Jenny: The University of Melbourne, in collaboration with not-for-profit design practice OFFICE, has identified underutilised green corridors across Greater Melbourne that have the capacity to be transformed into biodiverse habitats and green public spaces. https://www.unimelb.edu.au/newsroom/news/2024/october/research-reveals-potential-of-melbournes-1,600km-of-green-corridors

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via Jenny:

Building companies feel they must sacrifice quality for profits, but it doesn’t have to be this way


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Via Jenny:

Reimagining urban landscapes to make them nature positive

Stephen Murphy <stephenattreehome@gmail.com>

Dear followers of Recreating the Country blog.

In part 1 - 'Reimagining urban landscapes to make them nature positive,' I'm looking at how we would benefit from creating more diverse nature inclusive environments in the places where the majority of us live - cities and towns. It turns out that we would benefit in lots of ways and most of them we wouldn't be aware of.

Hoping for your ideas and comments,



Stephen Murphy

Sustainable Biorich Landscapes


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