It was great to finally meet Daniel Scaysbrook, National Organising Manager at the Australian Conservation Foundation, in person yesterday when he visited my street tree and verge garden.
We talked about the important role of street trees and verge gardens to help reduce urban heat, increase biodiversity, and make our streets more walkable.
We’ve just had our hottest ever Spring and there’s worse to come over the next few months. You can feel how much cooler it is when you walk into the shade of a tree tree. Verge gardens help our new trees survive and thrive.
Although people often say not to plant in summer, a wet summer is a great time for planting and every native verge garden and street tree will make a difference.
And The Platypus?
We walked down to the local creek to check out the new bushcare site and spotted a platypus! No photos but three witnesses. The stormwater from my street ends up in that platypus’s habitat. Was it trying to tell us something?
Your verge garden stands as a real life living monument to what can be done. It’s a symbol of agency. I get it you don’t want to blow your own trumpet, but be assured it’s important work.